LATEST NEWS - 8 February 2025
1. The next meeting of the Parish Council is 7pm on the 3 March 2025 in the Village Hall.
Dorset Community Transport – PlusBus
The Parish Councils of Ansty, Hilton, Melcombe Bingham, Melcombe Horsey, MIlton Abbas and Cheselbourne have jointly funded a PlusBus service which will collect passengers from their homes and take them into Dorchester or Blandford. The service is provided by Dorset Community Transport and runs on Wednesdays to Dorchester and, on alternate weeks, on Thursdays to Blandford. Please see attached flyers for more details on the service, including how to register and the fare price, currently £7, National Bus Passes are also accepted.
Alternatively, this link will take you to the Plus Bus Page: ECT Charity - PlusBus services to and from Dorchester and ECT Charity - PlusBus services to and from Blandford.
Planning Applications
The Parish Council has received a planning application for 3 Brook Green. To view the application please go to the Council planning portal using the link below and search for :
Application No: P/HOU/2025/00050.
Location: 3 Brook Green
Drakes Lane Junction Cheselborne To Junction Lane East To Dewlish Above Chebbard, Cheselbourne, Dorchester, DT2 7FS.
Proposal: Continue use of the land as garden. Retain existing retaining walls & structures, erect additional retaining wall & associated works.
Planning application search - dorsetforyou.com
The Parish Council has received a planning application for Doe Cottage, Streetway Lane. To view the application please go to the Council planning portal using the link below and search for :
Application No: P/HOU/2025/00330.
Location: Doe Cottage Streetway Lane Crossroads To Junction Drakes Lane.
Proposal: Widening of vehicular access and erection of new gates and fence.
Planning application search - dorsetforyou.com
The Parish Council has received a planning application for Nettlecombe Farm. To view the application please go to the Council planning portal using the link below and search for :
Application No: P/FUL/2024/07615.
Location: Nettlecombe Farm Cheselbourne DT2 7RG.
Proposal: Erection of 1no. dwelling & car port & associated landscaping. Change of use of land from agricultural.
CHESELBOURNE (or Chesilborne) is a parish and small village of about 140 houses and a population of 296 (2011 census), situated 8 miles north-east of Dorchester station and 11 miles south-west of Blandford in the chalk downlands of West Dorset. The Parish Church of St. Martin (diocese of Salisbury) is a flint and stone church in the Gothic style with parts dating back to the 13th century, which sits centrally in the village. There is also a village school catering for primary school children from Cheselbourne and the surrounding area. Cheselbourne has a village hall which is used by the school during the day, for various events during evenings and weekends and is available for hire. There is also a public house the Rivers Arms at the Southern entrance to the village.
The Parish Council meets in the Village Hall on the first Monday in the month, every 2 months and everyone is welcome to attend. Agendas are posted on this website and the council noticeboards at the Rivers Arms and the School at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.